Purchase a Commercial Licence to Reprint and Sell
Want to be able to do more with this printable artwork?
Visit this listing here to add a commercial license so you can incorporate this art download onto products such as: T-Shirts, Notebooks, Diaries, Mugs, etc.
Sustainable Art is Sweet for
The Planet
Printable art is eco-friendly as it reduces the
carbon footprint by eliminating the need for
shipping and packaging, and also saves paper by
allowing you only print what you need.
The Perfect Fit with
Multiple Print Sizes
All of our printable art can printed at a size to fit
your needs and if you need a special crop just
add this listing for only $5.
Indigo Blue Printable Art
Tangled by Michael Paul Bennett.
Original modern digital artwork and part of our luminous art collection.
Frame for illustrative purposes only.
Once you purchase the image you can reprint at any size up to 45 inches (114.3 cm) wide by 33.75 inches (85.7 cm) tall. So you can print as small or as large as you need to perfectly fit your space.
Please contact us if you need any help with our original printable artwork.